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Fig. 3 | Neurovascular Imaging

Fig. 3

From: The relationship of cortical folding and brain arteriovenous malformations

Fig. 3

The Effect of the AVM on Sulcal Depth Difference from the Population Mean for an Example Subject. a Depth difference for each vertex is displayed using color intensity from yellow-red on the inflated surface for subject RD05. Surfaces were rotated to optimally view the area of the AVM and directly surrounding in; in this case, the hemispheres are visualized from the top-down (see RD05’s scan in Fig. 1 to aid with orientation). The blue rings correspond to distance from the AVM outline. For the unaffected hemisphere, rings correspond to the distance to the AVM if it were in that hemisphere (“flipped” AVM). Depth difference maps for all other subjects are in Fig. 4. b Mean depth difference is calculated for bands at varying distance from the AVM for subject RD05. Bar graphs represent the mean depth difference at each band: 20–40 mm, 40–60 mm, 60–80 mm and 80 + mm. Colors on the bar graph represent the band just outside of the corresponding color rings in 3a. Unaffected hemisphere values are on the right, and are shown in a lighter color to aid viewing. Plots for all other subjects are in Fig. 5. Error bars are SEM

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